OPERAS as a multistakeholder framework

The OPERAS AISBL governance scheme manages the different levels of engagement of the different
types of stakeholders in the development of the OPERAS Research Infrastructure. The Community committing to participate in OPERAS’ activities is engaged as “ordinary members” in the Assembly of the Commons. Organizations committing to manage the development of OPERAS are engaged as “Core members” in the Executive Assembly. European and International infrastructures committing to support the development of OPERAS are engaged as “Supporting members” in the General Assembly.

OPERAS Governance Structure

The role of the Assemblies

The Assembly of the Commons (AoC) is planned to be large as it will engage with the community in its diversity (ordinary members). The AoC is self-organized in Special Interest Groups and Stakeholder Interest Groups. It is coordinated by the Coordination Team and the Executive Assembly.

The Executive Assembly (EA) is composed of organizations that commit more than others to the development of OPERAS. The EA supervise the work of the Coordination Team, coordinates the Assembly of Commons through the Special Interest Groups (SIG) and presents the work done to the General Assembly.

The General Assembly (GA) is composed of EU and International infrastructures that commit to support the development of OPERAS, ministries (or proxies) corresponding to the countries where the core members are located, and ordinary members elected by their peers to represent the Assembly of the Commons. The GA adopts the annual budget and the annual work plan of the AISBL.

The Coordination Team (OCT) ensures the daily management of the AISBL. It is constituted of the Coordinators, the Project Manager(s), the Communication Officer, the Data Officer, the future Secretary General, and other potential members depending on future needs. The OCT is responsible of a good and proper sharing of knowledge between the different bodies and provides support to them. In particular, the Secretary General, based in Brussels, will be in charge of the administrative work needed for the AISBL (finances, recruitment, etc.) under the supervision of the Coordinators.

The Scientific Advisory Board, which is not part of the Statutes of the AISBL, will be composed of individuals. The SB will be appointed by the GA with suggesti ons from the EA. The SB advises the EA.